Slovenian scientific journal for phenomenology and hermeneutics Phainomena welcomes articles, translations, and book reviews predominantly from the fields of phenomenological as well as hermeneutical philosophy, history of philosophy, philosophy of culture, aesthetics, religion, politics, and theory of science, but at the same time accommodates publications from the neighboring or related fields of the humanities and social sciences. For publication consideration the journal accepts the submissions of original scientific papers in Slovenian, English, French, and German languages, as well as translations from foreign languages into Slovenian. Authors interested in the publication of their work in another language should consult the editors regarding such a possibility prior to the submission of the manuscript. Beside original scientific papers the journal also publishes review articles, professional papers, preliminary communications, and book reviews; special thematic issues often include an invited editorial or introductory text by the (guest) editor(s).
The present section of the website is dedicated to the announcement of the Calls for Papers for upcoming and planned (thematic) issues of the journal.
The journal is published quarterly, usually in two issues.
The tentative deadlines for the submission of manuscripts—if a Call for Paper does not stipulate otherwise—are:
– June issue: March 31;
– November issue: August 31.
We kindly ask you to contact the editorship with regard to eventual suggestions for articles, translations, or book reviews.
Φ Invitation: CALL FOR PAPERS: “The Thought of Leopold Blaustein in Context. Critical Essays and Materials” >>>
Φ Invitation: CALL FOR PAPERS: “Hermeneutics and Literature” >>>
Φ Invitation: CALL FOR PAPERS: “COVID-19 Crisis” >>>
Journal of Phenomenology and Hermeneutics
UDC: 1
p-ISSN: 1318-3362
e-ISSN: 2232-6650 >>>

Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities
Vodovodna cesta 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel.: +38612444560; fax: +38612444586
Facebook >>>
The website of the journal Phainomena operates under the auspices of the Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities. The operation of the website is effectuated within the framework of the research program P6-0341, the research project J7-4631, and the infrastructure program I0-0036, which are financially supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).